Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Simple Things

Some days it's the simple things that keep me sane.  We started the day with snow.  Joy.  (Can you sense the sarcasm?  It's there)

I had a quite the kitchen list to work on:  batch cooking, yogurt, cookies and baby food, to give you the macro overview.  Sometimes GGirl will be right in the middle of my kitchen projects.  By the time I made it downstairs this morning she was fixated on a pond for her rubber ducks and HandyMan obliged:  there was a big bowl of water on the counter for the ducks. 

As I headed for my projects I told GGirl I had a better pond for the ducks.  Enter the bin-o-feed-corn that came into our possession when friends had to move (Thanks Jennifer!)  Filled up a 10 x 14 container and turned her loose.

The ducks partied.  The elves and reindeer got jealous and joined in many rounds of Hide & Seek.  She talked to the menagerie non-stop for about two hours - with a few random "phone calls" mixed in. I was only addressed when she got hungry.

Worked for me!

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