Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday Sunshine: A Stream of Giving

sunflower Practicing Contentment by remembering the graces in the week and practicing gratitude by giving.

Short of a couple hiccups, this has been a really good week.  Waking up this morning after an uninterrupted nights sleep was glorious!  Matched by the sun shining and now GBaby peacefully napping.  Today is a great day!

This has been a good week as we've begun our Lenten disciplines.  I'm amazed by all that we have that we have not put to good use.  So we are changing that and redirecting the under utilized resources under our roof to places where they can be put to good use and appreciated.  With a grateful heart I have begun giving.  I find freedom in looking at something, knowing that someone else can make better use of it and giving it away.  This is new for me and is a huge paradigm shift from the "well I'll use that for this someday" as I squirrel stuff away.

As I have found in my life, giving sometimes results in receiving blessings that you cannot imagine.  This came this week in the form of our completed taxes and finding out that we're getting a larger refund that I had expected.

Little things like chocolate mousse and a surprise dinner out also peppered my week with bright spots.  Receiving photos from my dad who's gearing up to bury GBaby in attention next week also brought a chuckle and warmed my heart.

This week I'm recognizing once again the truth that every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light. May the light of the Father brighten your week!

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