Monday, August 10, 2009

Yogurt 1.1 & HV Peach Smoothie

We guzzled through the first batch of yogurt, Yogurt 1.o, that I made and it was delicious!  A lot of it ended up in Strawberry Banana Smoothies which were wonderful!  Yogurt 1.0 yielded two large jars and one small jar.  I had stashed the small jar in the back of the fridge so that it would be there when I was ready to make the next batch of yogurt - Yogurt 1.1.  So this morning in my whirlwind of multitasking I went to the fridge for my stashed starter only to find that HandyMan had busted into it for his breakfast!  Fortunately, there was enough left to do a quart batch.  I made it with whole milk again because I was testing to see if the cultures in Yogurt 1.o would in fact produce another batch of equally thick, yummy yogurt.  So I mixed up Yogurt 1.1, let it spend the day in it's happy warm place and it is a complete success!

In working our way through Yogurt 1.1 and the freezing of pureed yellow squash for my Hidden Veggies recipes, I decided to get creative with my smoothies.  I added a 1/4 cup cube of frozen yellow squash puree for added nutrition and you can't taste it at all.  HandyMan is on to me and will commonly ask "What'd you sneak in this?", to which I will promptly reply "You tell me."    So mix this up and see if your family can tell that you're sneaking them some veggies!

Hidden Veggie Smoothieshvsmoothie


1 Banana

1 Peach or 1 cup Strawberries

1/2 cup Plain Yogurt

1/4 cup Pureed Yellow Squash


Using a blender or a cup and an immersion blender, blend all ingredients until smooth.  Makes 2 servings.

peach squash smoothie1 peach squash smoothie2

Click Here for a printable version of this recipe.

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