Thursday, February 28, 2013

Kitchen Fail: Whole Wheat Dumplings

I have a great family who will eat almost anything.  Over the 11 years HandyMan and I have been married there haven't been too many complaints at the dinner table.  Last night, however, will be noted!

I had turkey and turkey stock in the freezer and it was a rainy, slushy day so I decided soup was in order.  Wanting to do something different I decided turkey dumpling soup would be a nice deviation from the normal pasta or rice soups.  The soup base was great.  I should have just left it there.

But the cook in me had the kitchen to myself and wanted to play.  So it was on to the dumplings. I've made dumplings successfully before.  I've substituted half whole wheat flour in tons of recipes that turned out great.  So, I thought I'd try making whole wheat dumplings.  I made them, and as HandyMan tactfully put it: "You can not make those again." 

They were not good.  They were heavy and rubbery.  Not tender and light.  I have more soup base that went to the freezer.  I'll go back to my Alton Brown dumpling recipe when it's time for Turkey Soup Round 2.

So, friends, that is my kitchen fail for this week.  What have you messed up in the kitchen lately?

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