Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday Sunshine - Cookies, Fire, Family & Dripping Water


Practicing contentment by remembering the graces of the week.

Noon on a Sunday and I'm sitting here, my senses inundated by things for which I am thankful.  The house is quiet as GBaby naps.  My washing machine is running and is doing the hard part of laundry for me.  The drip of the cold water faucet in the kitchen is the beginning sign that the pipe is beginning to thaw.  The pellet stove roaring heat into the house, the smell of warm cookies for a meeting this afternoon.  And that's just from the last five minutes.

I wish I could say that I was as quick to recognize all the graces the rest of the week, but I can't.  I was thankful to have a work day on my website - I'm getting there. We got to visit with my brother and his family on Friday night which was great.   It was great fun to watch GBaby play with her cousins. It's also fun to see GBaby passed from one set loving arms to another, giving my arms a break.  By the end of church I feel like I've gotten quite a workout!

I look forward to some down time this evening after GBaby goes to bed as HandyMan has a meeting.  Our house is warm, our bellies are fed, and we are healthy.  What more could we really need on a bitter, winter day.

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